Patent Attorney


Telecommunication , Computer Science , Internet Technology , Electronics Engineering , Image Processing

TEL: 86-10-6268 1616

FAX: 86-10-6268 1818



Ms. Zhang joined Liu, Shen & Associates in 2005 and became a qualified patent attorney in 2007. She specializes in patent prosecution, re-examination, patent writing, and client counseling with a focus on data/image processing, electrical engineering, telecommunication, electronics, computer science, electronic design as well as Internet.


Ms. Zhang got her qualification as an attorney at law in 2007.


Ms. Zhang had a master's degree from Beijing University of Technology in 2005, major in Circuit & System. She received a professional training atJohnMarshallLawSchoolinUSAin 2011, relating to U.S. Patent Law and Practices.


Representative cases:

-    2020, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, representing the foreign giant company to process patent selection and validity analysis;

-    2021, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, representing the foreign giant company to submit Invalidation Request;

-    2022, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, representing the foreign giant company to process patent selection and validity analysis;

-    2023, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, representing the foreign giant company to process patent correlation and validity analysis;

-    2024, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, representing the foreign giant company to submit Invalidation Request.

Representative Publications:

-    “SEP policies in major regions”, LIU&SHEN’s WeChat official account, December 2023;

-    “A closer look at governmental and regulatory support of AI”, second author, Managing IP, Spring 2021.

