
Patent Attorney | Attorney at Law


Telecommunication , Computer Science , Internet Technology , Image Processing , Semiconductor

TEL: 86-28-8532 9776

FAX: 86-28-8532 9796



Ms. QU joined Liu, Shen & Associates in 2012. Ms. QU provides many clients with intellectual property-related services such as patent drafting, patent prosecution, patent analysis, patent evaluation and screening, and patent invalidation, with a focus on telecommunication, electronics, computer science, Internet, semiconductor, image processing, etc.

Ms. QU obtained a master's degree in signal and information processing from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2013.


Ms. QU participated in the fifth annual U.S. Patent Law and Practice Seminar organized by Hamre, Schumann, Mueller & Larson, P.C, Minnesota in 2017.


Representative cases:

-    2020-2023, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, representing the foreign giant company to process patent relevance analysis and validity analysis;

-    2018-2019, in a series of patent infringement and invalidation cases between Samsung Electronics V. Huawei, representing Samsung Electronics to process patent screening and validity analysis.

Representative Publications:

-    “Let’s Talk About Patent Open License System”, WeChat Official Account of Liu Shen & Associates, April 2023;

-    “Future of IP - China: The impact of AI on ‘persons skilled in the art’ ”, Managing IP, June 2021;

-    “Brief Introduction to Application of Doctrine of Estoppel in China”, Asia IP, February 2016;

-    “How to apply provisional patent rights protection in China for foreign enterprises”, Japanese Edition of IAM-media, September 2015.

Representative Speech:

-    Title, “Measures for Accelerating Examination in China”, special activities of “Intellectual Property Publicity Week”, April 2022, Chengdu.

