
Partner | Patent Attorney | Attorney at Law


Telecommunication , Computer Science , Internet Technology , E-commerce , Artificial Intelligence , Big Data Processing , Electronics Engineering , Semiconductor

TEL: 86-10-6268 1616

FAX: 86-10-6268 1818



Mr. Jia obtained a master’s degree in Communication Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2008. Mr. Jia started his work in IP law in 2010, joined Liu, Shen & Associates in 2012, and qualified as patent attorney and attorney at law. Mr. Jia specializes in patent prosecution, reexamination, patent invalidation, IP litigation, and client counselling with a focus on commercial patents (NSEP) and communication Standard Essential Patents (SEP). 


Before starting his work in the practice of IP law, Mr. Jia worked as a software engineer in a communication company for two years.


Mr. Jia has been designated to study for NGB corporation, Japan for 3 months in 2019, and trained the attorneys in NGB on some issues related to prosecution, invalidation and litigation of Chinese patent practice.


Mr. Jia is richly experienced in patent invalidation and litigation, and has represented a number of domestic and foreign giant companies in patent licensing negotiations and related disputes, invalidation, and infringement litigation with other domestic and foreign giant companies.

Mr. Jia has led and deeply participated in several patent relevance assessment projects and patent validity assessment projects, some of which involving SEP, and some involving NSEP.  In these projects, Mr. Jia has analyzed dozens of NSEPs to evaluate the relevance degree of patents and targeted products, analyzed more than one hundred of SEPs to evaluate relevance degree of patents and communication standards, and analyzed validity of dozens of patents against prior arts.

Mr. Jia Hongbo is familiar with China's telecommunication industry standards and 3GPP international standards. He has been committed to the analysis and evaluation of essential patents for 3GPP standards for many years. He leads the evaluation team to continuously analyze the patent declarations of each company in ETSI, and leads the team to analyze declared patents and corresponding standards, evaluate the real number and proportion of standard essential patents actually owned by major companies.

Representative cases:

-    2020-2023, in several patent licensing negotiations and related disputes between a foreign giant company and certain giant domestic and foreign giant companies for each time, leading the team representing the foreign giant company to process patent selection and analysis, patent litigation strategy analysis, patent licensing fee and FRAND issues analysis, etc.;

-    2016-2019, in a series of patent infringement and invalidation cases between Samsung Electronics V. Huawei, representing Samsung Electronics to attend SEP and non-SEP patent infringement group cases as a core member of the team. The issues involved include the infringement logic for SEP related cases, calculation of SEP royalties, determination of FRAND, and determination of injunctions for SEP and non-SEP cases;

-    In the case of a dispute between a foreign giant company and another foreign giant company, representing the foreign giant company in patent screening and analysis, litigation strategy analysis, participation in litigation and invalidation proceedings, etc.;

-    Samsung Electronics v. Dunjun, in the patent invalidation case, representing Samsung Electronics as the invalidation petitioner, all patent rights were declared to be invalidated in court during the oral hearing;

-    Samsung Electronics v. Netac, in the patent invalidation case, representing Samsung Electronics as the invalidation petitioner, all patent rights were declared to be invalidated, and the patentee did not file administrative lawsuit.

Representative Publications:

-    “SEP Patent Strength Analysis,” IPLEAD, December 2023;

-    “How to draft a high-value SEP patent application,” IP ForeFront, November 2023;

-    “Future of IP–China: The valuation and prosecution of standard-related patents in the 5G era,” Managing Intellectual Property - Asia-Pacific IP Focus 2021

-    “Application of Patent Examination Guidelines in Invalidation Procedures,” Asia IP Vol.10 Issue 8 2018

-    “The contentious monopoly,” Managing Intellectual Property - Asia-Pacific IP Focus 2016

-    FRAND Case Selection Volume 1 & Volume 2; 2018




All-China Lawyers Association (ACLA)

All-China Patent Agents Association (ACPAA)