TAO, Allen

President | Patent Attorney | Attorney at Law


Mechanical Engineering , Material Science , Semiconductor

TEL: 86-10-6268 1616

FAX: 86-10-6268 1818



Allen Tao is an attorney at law and patent attorney in China, and a partner at the law firm of Liu, Shen & Associates.

Mr. TAO specializes in patent invalidation, litigation and dispute resolutions before administrative agencies and the courts, and counseling on IP strategies and patent clearance search. He also specialized in patent prosecution works on material, semiconductor, display, and mechanical engineering. Since 1998, he has handled dozens of patent related proceedings before the Courts and some cases relating to trademarks, trade secrets, and copyright issues. Mr. TAO has represented a number of multi-national corporations for litigation cases to defense and enforce their IPs in China. Mr. TAO also specialized in contractual issues, licensing, and other IP related issues for the foreign companies’ business in China.

Mr. TAO received his bachelor degree and a master degree in material science and technology from University of Electronics Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 1988 and 1991. He received professional training at the law firm in Germany in 1997 and further obtained a master of law degree (LLM) from The John Marshall Law School in the United States in 2001 and a master of law degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2004. Mr. TAO had worked in a research institute for four years and then joined the law firm, Liu, Shen & Associates in 1995.


1.Esco v Fumei, patent and trademark infringement litigation, Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court and Beijing High Court, representing the plaintiff. The court decided that the defendant stop infringement and pay damages to the plaintiff. (2008)
2. Staubli v Changshu Textile, patent infringement litigation, Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court and Beijing High Court, representing the plaintiff. The court decided that the defendant stop infringement and pay damages 0.66m. (2007) 
3.Feng Yong v Microsoft, trade secret litigation, Wuhan Intermediate Court and Hubei High Court, representing the defendant. Wuhan Intermediate Court found no trade secret of the plaintiff and Hubei High Court mediated the case. (2003)
4.Dai Peijun v GE, utility model patent infringement litigation, Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court, representing the defendant. The case was dismissed after the answer from the plaintiff. (2003) 
5.Li Dan v Microsoft, patent infringement litigation, Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court, representing the defendant. The case was dismissed after the answer from the plaintiff. (2003) 
6.Kone v Suzhou Fujia Enke, patent infringement litigation, Suzhou IntermediateCourt, representing the plaintiff. The Court decided that the defendant stop infringement and pay damages. (2008) 
7.Kone v Zhejiang United, patent infringement, Hangzhou Intermediate Court, representing the plaintiff. The Court decided that the defendant stop infringement and pay damages. (2008)
8.Siemens v Beijing Lida Huaxin, patent infringement litigation, Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court, representing the plaintiff. The case was mediated before the court and the defendant pay damages RMB 4m. (2008)
9.Esco v Ningbo Fumei, patent infringement litigation, Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court and Beijing High Court, representing the plaintiff. The court decided that the defendant stops the infringement and pay damages. (2008)
10.Esco v Ningbo Huicheng, patent infringement litigation, Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court and Beijing High Court, representing the plaintiff. The court decided that the defendant stops the infringement and pay damages. (2008)
11.Esco v Tianjin Woda, patent infringement litigation, Tianjin Intermediate Court, representing the plaintiff. The court mediated the case and the defendant stops the infringement and pay damages. (2009)
12.Xu Shichang v. Samsung, patent infringement litigation, Shenzhen Court and Guangdong High Court, representing the defendant, successfully defending for no infringement. This case was designated as the Top 10 Intellectual Property Cases in Guangdong in 2012. (2012)
13.Staubli v. Changshu Textile, patent infringement litigation, Suzhou Court and Jiangsu High Court, representing the plaintiff. The court decided for patent infringement and the defendant was ordered for injunction and damages. This case was designated as the Top 10 Intellectual Property Cases in Jiangsu in 2013.
14.Goertek v. Knowles, patent infringement litigation, Weifang Court, representing the plaintiff. Damages RMB 37.2 million. (2014/4/22)
15.Author of book "Patent Reexamination & Invalidation Practice" (2013)
16.Author of paper "Amendment Rules after Grant of Patent" (2004)
17.Author of chapter "Indirect Infringement in China" of book "Patent Infringement Worldwide - Claim Interpretation - Infringement - Damages" Edited by Jan Bushche et al Carl Heymanns Verlag (2010)
18.Honored as 'Leading Patent Attorneys in China' by SIPO in 2014


