Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court

Concerning Certain Issues of Application of Laws

in Patent Infringement Cases

(Approved by Adjudicatory Committee of the Supreme People’s Court of

PRC at 1480th Session on December 21, 2009, Fa Shi (2009) No. 21)


Announcement of the Supreme People’s Court

December 28, 2009


This Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court concerning certain issues of application of laws in patent infringement case was approved, on December 21, 2009, by Adjudicatory Committee of the Supreme People’s Court at 1480th Session, and hereby promulgated.  This Interpretation shall come into force on January 1, 2010.



This Interpretation is hereby promulgated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law and Civil Procedure of the People’s Republic of China and in consideration of judicial practice to ensure correct handling of the cases of patent infringement disputes.


Article 1: The people’s courts shall determine the scope of protection of the patent right according to the claims requested by the right holder and according to Article 59, paragraph 1 of the Patent Law of China.  Where the right holder changes the claims before the conclusion of the trial debate of the first instance, the people’s court shall give its permission.


Where the right holder proposes to determine the scope of protection of the patent right according to any of dependent claims, the people’s court shall determine the scope of protection of the patent right based on the additional technical features stated in the dependent claim in connection with the technical features of any preceding claim or claims to which the dependent claim refers.


Article 2: The people’s court shall determine the contents of the claims as prescribed in Article 59, paragraph 1 of the Patent Law in accordance with the statement of the claims and in connection with the understanding of the claims by those skilled in the art reading the description and accompanying drawings,.


Article 3: The people’s court may construe a claim or claims with reference to the description and accompanying drawings, any relevant ones of the claims, and files of patent examination.  Where the description has a specific definition of any term of the claims, the specific definition shall prevail.


If the meaning of the claim cannot be determined with the aforesaid methods, it shall be construed in view of any reference books, textbooks and other publicly known documents, as well as normal understanding of those skilled in the art.


Article 4: With respect to the technical features defined by function or effect, the people’s court shall determine the contents of those technical features in connection with the specific embodiments of said function or effect disclosed in the description and accompanying drawings, as well as any possible embodiment equivalent thereto.


Article 5: If the right holder would like to include any technical solution, that is only disclosed in the description or accompanying drawings, but not stated in the claims, into the scope of protection of the patent right during the patent infringement case, the people’s court shall not support it.


Article 6: If the right holder would like to include any technical solution, that has been given up by the patent applicant or patentee through amendment of the claims and description or express statement during the patent examination and/or invalidation, into the scope of protection of the patent right during the patent infringement case, the people’s court shall not support it.


Article 7: The people’s court shall examine all technical features stated in the claims of the patent when judging whether or not the alleged infringing technical solution falls within the protection scope of the patent right.


Where the alleged infringing technical solution comprises technical features that are identical with or equivalent to all technical features stated in the claims, the people’s court shall conclude that it falls within the protection scope of the patent right.  Where the alleged infringing solution misses one or more technical features stated in the claims, or includes one or more technical features that are not identical with or equivalent to the technical features stated in the claims, the people’s court shall conclude that it does not fall within the protection scope of the patent right.


Article 8: Where a design that is identical with or similar to a patented design is adopted in a product that is the same or similar kind of the product of the design patent, the people’s court shall conclude that the alleged infringing design falls within the protection scope of the design patent as prescribed in Article 59, paragraph 2 of the Patent Law.


Article 9: The people’s court shall consider the usage of the product incorporating the design to determine whether or not the products are the same or similar.  In determining the usage of the product, reference may be made to the brief description of the design, international classification for designs, function of the product, and sales and actual usage of the product, etc.


Article 10: The people’s court shall determine whether or not the designs are the same or similar according to the common knowledge and cognitive ability of ordinary consumers of the product incorporating the patented design.


Article 11: In determining whether or not the designs are the same or similar, the people’s court shall make a comprehensive judgment with respect to the overall visual effect of the products of the designed features of the patented design and the alleged infringing design.  The design features defined by technical function and the features of materials and internal structure of the products shall not be considered if they do not contribute to the overall visual effect.


Generally, the following circumstances may have more impact on overall visual effect of designs:

(I) any parts of the product which can be observed easily and directly in normal use of the product, as opposed to other parts thereof;

(II) any design features of the design patent that are distinguishable from the prior designs, as opposed to other design features of the granted design patent.


If there is no difference between the alleged infringing design and the patented design in their overall visual effect, the people’ s court shall conclude that they are identical; and if there is no substantive difference between them in the overall visual effect, the people’s court shall conclude that they are similar.


Article 12: If a product that infringes an invention patent or utility model patent is used as a part in making another product, the people’s court shall find it as an act of (unauthorized) use as prescribed in Article 11 of the Patent Law; and if said another product is sold, the people’s court shall find it as an act of (unauthorized) sale as set forth in Article 11 of the Patent Law.


If a product that infringes a design patent is used as a part in making another product and said another product is sold, the people’s court shall find it as an act of sale as prescribed in Article 11 of the Patent Law, unless that the product infringing the design patent has only technical effect in said another product.


In the situations of the aforesaid two paragraphs, the people’s court shall find the joint (liable for) infringement of the alleged infringers if they cooperate with each other.


Article 13: With respect to a product originally obtained from a patented process, the people’s court shall find it as a product directly obtained from the patented process as prescribed in Article 11 of the Patent Law.


Where the aforesaid originally obtained product is further treated and processed to obtain a subsequent product, the people’s court shall find it as an act of use of the product directly obtained from the patented process as prescribed in Article 11 of the Patent Law.


Article 14: If all technical features that allegedly fall within the protection scope of a patent are identical with, or not substantively different from the corresponding technical features of a technical solution of prior art, the people’s court shall find that the technology exploited by the alleged infringer belongs to the prior art as prescribed in Article 62 of the Patent Law.


If an alleged infringing design is identical with, or not substantively different from a prior design, the people’s court shall find that the design used by the alleged infringer belongs to the prior art design as prescribed in Article 62 of the Patent Law.


Article 15: The people’s court shall not support a prior use defense of the alleged infringer if the technology or design is acquired illegally.


In any of the following circumstances, the people’s court shall find that necessary preparations have been made for manufacture and use as prescribed in Article 69, item (2) of the Patent Law of China:

(I) completion of primary technical drawings or process documents that are essential for exploitation of the invention;

(II) finished manufacture or purchase of the main equipments or raw materials that are essential for exploitation of the invention.


The original scope as defined in Article 69, item (2) of the Patent Law shall include the scale of production before the filing date of the patent application, and the scale of the production that can be achieved with the existing manufacture equipment or the existing production preparations.


If the party of prior use right assigns or licenses to other party, after the filing date of the patent application, the technology or design that has been exploited or finished with necessary preparations for exploitation, the people’s court shall not support a claim of the alleged infringer (the other party) that their exploitation is the continuous exploitation within the original scope unless the technology or design being assigned (to) or succeeded (by the alleged infringer) together with the original enterprise (the party of prior use right).


Article 16: Profits the infringer gained through infringement as prescribed in Article 65, paragraph 1 of the Patent Law shall be limited to the profits obtained by the infringer through the infringement of the patent; and any other profit obtained from any other rights shall be deducted reasonably.


Where a product that infringes an invention patent or utility model patent is a part of another product, the people’s court shall assess reasonable amount of compensation, taking into consideration of the value of the part itself and its function in realizing the profit of the finished product.


Where a product that infringes a design patent is a package of another product, the people’s court shall assess reasonable amount of compensation, in consideration of the value of the package itself and its function in realizing the profit of the product being packed.


Article 17: The people’s court shall not find that a product is a new product as prescribed in Article 61, paragraph 1 of the Patent Law if the technical solution of the product or the process of making the product is known to the public in this country or abroad before the filing date of the patent application.


Article 18: Where the right holder sends a warning to other party with allegation of infringement of patent rights, and the party being warned or any party of interests sends a demand in writing to the right holder, urging exercise of the right to bring a lawsuit, the people’s court shall accept the case in which the party being warned or the party of interests petitions for the people’s court to declare that their act is not infringement of patent rights, provided that the right holder does not withdraw the warning, nor brings a lawsuit within one month from the date the right holder receives the written demand, or two months from the issuing date of the written demand.


Article 19: The people’s court shall apply the previous Patent Law to the alleged infringing acts occurred prior to October 1, 2009, and shall apply the amended Patent Law to the acts occurred after October 1, 2009.


Where any acts of the alleged infringement occurred before October 1, 2009 and continue after October 1, 2009, the people’s court shall determine the amount of compensation in accordance with the amended Patent Law if the infringer is liable for compensation under both versions of the Patent Law before and after the amendment.


Article 20: In case of any inconsistency between this Interpretation and the previous judicial Interpretations issued by this Court, this Interpretation shall prevail.


“(  )” added by Liu Shen & Associates

January 19, 2010

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